Alyssa ate her cheezits with her toes today at lunch time.
Apparently they are better that way.
Just a sneek peek into my everyday.
The Donut man is still around!
Alyssa woke from her nap one afternoon and the first thing she said to me is "I want to eat duncan" (spelling?). For those of you who are not familar with the donut man it's a christian video series that has a little donut character named Duncan, it's been around forever!. For me it tends to be annoying and I tend to think any kid shows with grown men doing it is rather odd. But anyway, she must've woke up wanting to have a donut. I thought it was funny because I never buy donuts. But she was so cute that I ended up telling her that next time we went to the store we could get some "Duncans". Well a few hours later I needed to run to the store to pick up a prescription and told Alyssa where I was going, and Daddy was going to take care of her while I went. "To get Duncans?" she asked me with a questionable look. I couldn't believe she remembered! Needless to say I ended up taking her along to pick a "Duncan" out. She picked this blue and white sprinkled donut, and said "that makes me happy." Oh the days where a blue sprinkled donut could make things happy.
More cookies...
Here are some pictures from the cookie bake with the family. Every year before Christmas we have both grandparents, my Aunt Brenda, Mom and myself get together all bringing several kinds of pre-baked cookies. Then we bake sandtarts together. Ending the day by making up trays for special occasions, and all our neighbors. It's a tradition we started a long time ago, and a great way to get a ton of different kinds of cookies without baking them all yourself. This year I made Spritz dipped in chocolate, Monster cookies, Brownie surprise, and gingerbread boys. Alyssa wanted to help too of course. She made a little sandtart for her and one for "Giana", even trying to decorate them with pink sprinkles which got a bit out of hand. I was able to grab the camera before trying to "save" the rest of the cookies from a pink sprinkle death. We ended up with a ton of cookies! Don't miss the "eyes" on the cookie table.~
I blinked...
So I woke up this morning and realized I blinked and Alyssa is a little girl! She had been up with Daddy until he left for work. She had put on her shoes and was playing upstairs in her room. She had put a cd into her cd player and was dancing to it and "building blocks." She was just being content and doing her own thing. She doesn't really need me anymore. So cute.
She's almost 27 months old and has quite the personality. She can reconize and knows her alphabet and numbers. I even caught her counting to 15 the other day. Her newest trick she's tried on Mamaw has been while she's supposed to be napping or sitting with her in church, she'll tell her "I'll be right back". Doesn't usually work but is still adorable. I find she's copying alot of what I say, Oye. Usually in the morning when she's done with her milk she'll hand it to me and ask if I "can hold it for a minute." She loves Sunday School and Neighbor's together. Her best friends at the moment are "Emily and Boy", Mom's puppets. She likes to watch the wiggles, and The donut man. She's just growing up so fast.
Giana is only 3 1/2 months old and she is growing up so fast too! She loves to be held and talked to and will even talk and coo back to you. Her smiles are breathtaking and her new favorite thing is blowing bubbles.
Hope you enjoyed the little update on the girls. I think I could go on and on about new things they are doing, but time is short this morning. Giana is hungry and we are off to NT.
She's almost 27 months old and has quite the personality. She can reconize and knows her alphabet and numbers. I even caught her counting to 15 the other day. Her newest trick she's tried on Mamaw has been while she's supposed to be napping or sitting with her in church, she'll tell her "I'll be right back". Doesn't usually work but is still adorable. I find she's copying alot of what I say, Oye. Usually in the morning when she's done with her milk she'll hand it to me and ask if I "can hold it for a minute." She loves Sunday School and Neighbor's together. Her best friends at the moment are "Emily and Boy", Mom's puppets. She likes to watch the wiggles, and The donut man. She's just growing up so fast.
Giana is only 3 1/2 months old and she is growing up so fast too! She loves to be held and talked to and will even talk and coo back to you. Her smiles are breathtaking and her new favorite thing is blowing bubbles.
Hope you enjoyed the little update on the girls. I think I could go on and on about new things they are doing, but time is short this morning. Giana is hungry and we are off to NT.
Up goes our tree
Saturday was just one of those days. I made waffles with sausage gravy or syrup for breakfast. It was nice to sit down as a family first thing and enjoy each others company. Phil took a day off and was able to spend some time with the girls. The first snow of the season began to fall in huge puffy flakes. It continued all day and we had a tiny acculation...just enough to cover the ground. Then I made spritz cookies and started a pot of chili. We then had Mom and Dad over for chilli (Dad came late because he was out on the roads salting) and a wonderful salad. Alyssa had insisted that Mom bring "Boy and Emily", the two newest additions to the family, so they all played together for a while. :-) We then put up our tree and decorated it. It was alot of fun because this was the first year Alyssa was able to really participate. She was really busy "helping mommy and daddy". Most the ornaments found their way to one spot on the tree...just her height no less. Mom (Nancy) and Alyssa played a little game of hide the ornament (there is a video on youtube), which was quite commical. If you watch the video be sure not to miss the hidding her eyes while "looking at mamaw". Anyway, it was a great day and great evening. I love my family and miss the rest of them. :-( Wish you all could be here.
Well I have quite the little helper this year! We both put on our "bibs" (aprons) and got to work. Monster cookies (check out Alyssa's new "cheese" face, and then on to spritz dipped in chocolate with sprinkles. A few more kinds to make before our cookie exchange this week but a good start.
We again headed upstate after Thanksgiving like we have ever since Philip and I started dating, to visit family and do some hunting. Cousin Brittney was home for the weekend with her new kitten "Neman" and we got to visit Loren and Leah Martin too.Uncle Larry and Edna enjoyed loving up and tormenting the girls. I enjoyed some relaxing and Phil hunted Monday and Tuesday with no luck. All in all it was a great weekend.
Delp Thanksgiving
The whole Delp family gathered for Thanksgiving this year at Mom's. It was nice to spend some time together. Even though we all live close by my Aunt's and Uncles don't get to spend too much time with the girls. Nancy and Uncle Mike had alot of fun with these two puppets that Alyssa adores! Mike has the puppet that Alyssa so affectionately calls "Boy" and Nancy has "Emily". Unfortunately Hannah and Jeremiah were scared of them. Hannah and Alyssa shared a cute little table and the rest of us sat together. Yummy food and great fellowship.
New favorite color
So Alyssa has a new favorite color. Yesterday as I was chatting with a friend (actually only for a few minutes) and after I hung up there was that silence about the house. I found Alyssa at the top of the stairs with a bright blue permanent sharpie marker in hand. She has colored all over her toes on both feet, the side of one foot and both forearms and hands. I panicked as any good Mom would do and through her in the tub and scrubbed. I tried soap, hairspray, buffing cream and nail polish remover. All of which the soap did the best job. I realize I should've paused for a laugh and good, "bright blue" photos but I just didn't have it in me. We had a conversation while she was soaking in which she told me that "papaw did it". My father likes to draw little smiley faces on the bottom of her toes and used to do it to me too. So apparently he had left work, came to our house, went upstairs and wrote all over her! Boy do I have a fibber on my hands! After she was done with the bath, and I let the water out I noticed that our bathtub mat was blue and the tub had a nice blue ring around it. Yes that was how much marker she had on her! I ended up cleaning the tub and my daughter all before was a long day!
Giana's Baby dedication
Our beautiful babies. And yes this is Alyssa's new "smile".
We dedicated our precious baby girl to God on Sunday! Wanted to share some photos. We really appreciated everyones support and were excited to have Dennis, Pat, Amy and Julia join us. For those of you who missed it or were miles away here is a peek...
Fall Fun
Alyssa and I had alot of fun raking up leaves and playing in them. She loved when I raked them into the air and they fell down on top of her. I think we had leaves in our hair the rest of the day!
Daddy raked the front yard and Alyssa helped sweep the leaves? She soon realized she didn't have the "real" rake and insisted on helping with the real one that was a bit large for her. We get a massive amount of leaves from our two trees in the front. You can see in the pictures that our pile is the width of our property, and still all the leaves have not dropped!
Trick or Treat
Alyssa's first time out and about the neighborhood trick-or-treating. It was the perfect night and the weather was great. Alyssa was an Elephant and I made Giana a "lil peanut" outfit from some flannel fabric. Perfect pair!
Our first stop (picture below)...there were so many choices and it literally took Alyssa 5 minutes to choose as we chatted with the neighbors. She soon got the hang of it, saying "kiker keet" and many "thank you's". Met up with Jordan, Corlissa and Blake Moyer who live close by. We were out for almost 2 hours and by the end the Elephant (who usually insisted on walking) was draging her loaded down candy bag. So cute! Daddy and Mommy had fun too.
Things have been busy around the DeCubellis' household. Philip has been diligently working on the cabinets. I believe they all have doors on now and we are waiting for a couple of parts for the large drawers. I'll post pictures as soon as he puts on the molding. It doesn't seem complete without it, but looking great so far! I had oral surgery on Wednesday and I'm still in alot of pain but taking ibuprofen seems to help alot. I took vicodin the first 2 days so I had Giana on the bottle. She did great with it, which is a relief if I ever need to resort to the bottle for a night out. Giana had her 2 month appointment yesterday. Peed all over the the doctor's office table. :-) Growing up too fast, 22 1/2" and 11lbs 12 oz already! She's just around the 75%, and doing great. She also got 3 shots. :-( It's so hard watching them get the shots and screaming afterward. Alyssa got to stay overnight with Mamaw and Papaw this week to give me a break before the surgery. And Mamaw came to play yesterday so Phil and I could take Giana to the doctor's. It's so much easier without a 2 year old in tow. Alyssa still has a cold which seems to make her grumpy, but hopefully it passes soon.
Trick or Treat tonight. We are going to walk around the neighborhood with the Moyer's tonight and hopefully tomorrow we can drive around to other family members too. Will deffinatly post pictures!
Trick or Treat tonight. We are going to walk around the neighborhood with the Moyer's tonight and hopefully tomorrow we can drive around to other family members too. Will deffinatly post pictures!
Today Alyssa's cold has caught up with her. She just wanted to be held all day. She spent sometime just lying on the couch, watching "Elmo", and napping even before lunchtmime. Seemed better tonight, but tired. Prayers that it doesn't get worse and no fever or scare of the swine flu comes this way! Friends of ours now has it and we saw them the day before she came down with it. So it's always possible. Little scary with an infant. So, yeah, I spent most of the day cuddling with her. I can't resist a sick little face asking to be held.
Busy week of dentist appointments and Giana has her 2 month check up on Thursday. She has been growing like a weed. It will be fun to see how much weight she has gained and how she compares to Alyssa when she was this little. She has been sleeping well and I've been getting more sleep too. Good news for everyone!
Cabinets are coming along. We are waiting on a few parts and hardware pieces that are on order. I promise pictures as soon as they are finished. I was able to put things in quite a few of them and I get a smile on my face each time I open them to see a beautiful organized space. Those who know me know I love a clean, organized space. You may not always or ever see it at my house but I do strive to be there some day. I've been thinking about Val in Rwanda with no kitchen (somewhat like a campfire outside?) and really wish I could send a large package with a microwave, stove and fridge in it. It's the thought that counts right? I've waited a long time for a nice kitchen but can't help but to feel selfish.
Need sleep now.
Busy week of dentist appointments and Giana has her 2 month check up on Thursday. She has been growing like a weed. It will be fun to see how much weight she has gained and how she compares to Alyssa when she was this little. She has been sleeping well and I've been getting more sleep too. Good news for everyone!
Cabinets are coming along. We are waiting on a few parts and hardware pieces that are on order. I promise pictures as soon as they are finished. I was able to put things in quite a few of them and I get a smile on my face each time I open them to see a beautiful organized space. Those who know me know I love a clean, organized space. You may not always or ever see it at my house but I do strive to be there some day. I've been thinking about Val in Rwanda with no kitchen (somewhat like a campfire outside?) and really wish I could send a large package with a microwave, stove and fridge in it. It's the thought that counts right? I've waited a long time for a nice kitchen but can't help but to feel selfish.
Need sleep now.
I need eggs...
Clear dress-up shoes, baby seat and diaper bag in hand packed with all the essantials. Out the breezeway door she goes closing it behind her. 2 going on 22. "Bye Mom" she says. "Oh, where are you going?" I ask ... we played this for over an hour. Her answers repeated themselves but changed often..."to bible school", "to neighbor's together", "to Mamaw's", and "to the grocery store. I need eggs."
I realize that I talk to her all the time and she picks it all up from me. Now the attitude I don't know. Hope not!
I realize that I talk to her all the time and she picks it all up from me. Now the attitude I don't know. Hope not!
(I listed all of you to receive an email when I post. I realize you may not need more email so let me know if you'd like to be removed. Alot of the things I blog may be things alot of you already know or have seen the girls do, but I really started this blog to keep Aunt Val up on the day to day stuff that goes on around here so she can keep up even in Rwanda. And I thought the KY Klan would enjoy it too.)
Alyssa has been so cute lately...
What is your name? "Sissy" she says.
After pretending to fix something with her play tools..."there, that's bet-ter"
I was washing dishes..."mommy, I wash dishes too?" I was stunned because I never had her help me with dishes before..."I help Mamaw"...oh that's where she got that from, thanks Mom. Even funnier was Alyssa trying to figure out our new faucet which turns on by just a touch of the faucet. She inspected it from every angle..."hmmmm...let me see" she said. So cute!
She also has several lines from the Peter Rabbit book memorized. I knew she loved the book and we read it often, but as I paused she'd fill in lines! "Lipity, lipity" she says, that part is the best! And "Now my dears, says old Mrs. Rabbit" is cute too.
"I get it Mom". every time the phone rings, and she runs for it. Never making it in time, but the effort she puts into it is great.
She's been telling everyone that "G-onna, is my sister". Which is cute but the other day I asked if Giana was her sister and she said "no...she's my friend". Adorable! Hopefully that lasts forever.
She loves "bible school" which is actually Sunday School or Neighbor's Together. And it's seems to carry over. Anytime we sing something with the word Bible in it..."Yes, Jesus love me, the bible school tells me so"
I could go on and on. She always makes me smile!
Saying Goodbyes
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