
Dreams that you dream of do really come true.

Listening to "Somewhere over the rainbow"...

I've had it in my head for days for some odd reason, so I've been singing it to my girls and it makes me cry...alot. Everyone has a rainbow, everyone has dreams and wishes. I'm living mine. These girls are the sweetest things I've laid my eyes on. Each day is such a gift from God and a simple blessing. Thank you Lord for my family. My awesome hubby and my dear girls.

Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
and the dreams that you dream of once in a lullaby
oh somewhere over the rainbow blue birds fly
and the dreams that you dream of do really do come true
someday you'll wish upon a star...


"Mommy, I didn't poop in the tub!" She was so excited to tell me.
(yes, this has happened but not tonight)
"Good job honey"

"But I peed in it".

Welcome to my life. At least she's honest.

Snow Cream and Valentines day

With over 2 feet of snow we decided to put the sparkling "clean" white snow to good use. Yum! Snow Cream and hot chocolate!

A nice quite Valentines day this year. Alyssa and I made Valentines for her Sunday school friends. Little pink rice crispy hearts that said "You make my heart snap, crackle and pop". We gave her a small gift.... a little zhu zhu pet named Jilly (a "non-messy" pet hamster). It's pretty cute, runs around and squeaks. She held it so gently and petted it. :) Phil and I went to see Avatar in the theatre (3D) which was a first in a very long time. And my parents kept the girls. Then we had to head back so I could feed Giana, and we all ended up going to Gus's for a quick dinner. Very nice.

Little Me

As a child I was always taught how important it was to be careful what I said.

"oh be careful little mouth what you say,
oh be careful little mouth what you say,
for the Father up above is looking down in love,
oh be careful little mouth what you say."

We all need reminded at times. But I'm realizing that children are little sponges and it's super important as a parent to say things "just right". Even innocent things can come out wrong, or in my case usually extremely funny coming from a 2 1/2 year old.

Today I got a "are you kidding me?!" when Alyssa spotted Giana blowing bubbles.
(which I usually say when Giana spits up unexpectedly all over me)

Totally cracked me up. Which Alyssa thought was funny and she preceded to repeat herself again and again.

There are more...

"Oh my word!"
"Good morning beautiful, did you sleep good?" (this is beautiful coming from her to her little sister)
"Oh my goodness!"