
The little things

I guess you could say in the last month, which was one of the toughest ones in my life, I've had an famous Oprah "ah ha" moment. Actually I'm not sure if it really truly counts as one because it's a simple realization of how life should be. I guess it is true that we get wiser with age and I must be simply getting old. I'll see if I can put it into words but I've found recently that if people aren't ready to accept it they can't hear it.

We've all heard it... "Life is short" but do we really know what that means? Several precious people in my life have passed away recently, ranging anywhere in age from 20's to 60's. Seeing this first hand forces you to realize how short life really is. It is so so SO important that we live our lives to it's fullest. I heard someone just today saying "she lived a full vibrant 12 years of life." Wow, what a way to look at it!

We need to slow down, maybe even stop. Think about life. Think about your life. How are you living? Whose lives do you touch each day and not even think twice about it. If everyone could just take that moment to make the best of it. A positive connection to those around us, what a different world this would be. Are you continuing to trudge through your life with no meaning? No real purpose? Maybe, just maybe your looking in the wrong direction.

I personally have vowed to slow down. Moms and Dads, wake up, our children are at a critical age. What are they learning from us? What are they getting from the time with the most influential people in their lives, us? What are you giving them, blessing them with? This can seem overwhelming but start small. My girls are young, and everything around them amazes them. I find as we "explore" I learn some very important things too.

Plant a garden~ Does your child know where their food comes from? Or is it from a box in the freezer section of the nearby grocery store? Did you ever really stop to think "wow, this came from a tiny seed"? Or have you thought about how God created the earth and everything in it? That should keep you busy for awhile :-)

Open your eyes~ Did you ever notice the little things? Recently a sweet robin picked a not so good nesting spot. But it has been wonderful to hold the girls up and watch the wonder drip from their eyes. Here is a little peek...
A great place for a nest? Not for us. Cleaning the gutters will have to wait :-)

Beautiful blues ~ What an awesome color!!


Stop caring what our president is doing or not doing, or where he is from. Does it really matter in the great scheme of things? Friends our time here is so short. Are you going to think in those last moments here on this earth "boy I wish I could've been more involved in politics."?

Stop the circles and circles of gossip. I'm sick of it! Where does it get you? Who does it benefit? When a concern comes up, and oh it will no matter how "positive" you are, go to that person and in brotherly love talk to them. Don't allow Satan the satisfaction of gossip.

So I encourage you to look at the bright side of life. Live it for real. No regrets. And touch someone else,  stop being so selfish and realize you are a gift from God and he has a plan. And your not going to find it gossiping, hurting others, being self centered and hurrying around minding your own business. Wake up and smell the roses, literally. 


I've been so absent and I'm sorry. I truly don't know that anyone reads this on a regular basis so I don't feel so bad about it. But it's been almost a month geez!

There is so much happening right now I don't even know where to begin. I haven't been feeling very creative or experimenting in the kitchen. So nothing fun there. Life has been chaotic and sad lately. I'm finding myself saying "Life just sucks right now." and it does. Now don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm great, my family is great, we don't suck, but there seems to be this dark cloud around me and the devil is doing his thing to the best of his ability. Keeping this brief...there has been 3 great losses in the last 2 weeks. All lives in one way or another have been cut short. Life just isn't fair. I've cried a lot more these last 2 weeks than I care to remember. My heart hurts for those who are missing someone. I hate to see the shock, the pain with losing someone that you love and I'm struggling to understand why. Some things in life I just don't get.

If your sad in anyway please PLEASE know that there are people who love you. People who care about you, people who would miss you like crazy if you weren't an ever present being in their lives. You are worth more than you might ever know. I've been there, believe you me! It's not pretty. Maybe I'll share more, another time, another place. But know that there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved, or fixed. And that guy upstairs who created you, loves you. His creation is always perfect, just how he wanted you to be. You are loved!

To all the others. Every conversation you have. Every wave of your hand at a neighbor passing by. Every smile just might be someones last. The last face they remember. The last conversation. The last laugh. Make it real. Make it true. Put your heart into it and mean it! Reach out and talk to someone. It may just save a life or make one happier.

As for me, I'll be ok. I wake in the mornings and take a deep breath and thank God I'm alive. Life is so precious. Take in the sunshine and breeze and enjoy it. Don't worry about tomorrow or next week. Stop and look at today and love the time you have with your loved ones. I will, so should you. And hug your kids. Hug your parents. Hug anyone who will have you. Everyone loves hugs.

On a positive note, a great thing did happen in the last 2 weeks. Amanda is a married woman! I'm so happy to see her so happy! Congratulations Amanda and Ryan!