ickier? I don't really know if that is a word but these last two things that I do, and love, but I must say they are not for the squeamish. But for a Mom of two I believe I can, and will be able to handle anything.
(I'm sad that my server is apparently "rejecting" my photos at the moment. I had some great pictures but I'll make sure I include lots of links so you can check out these products yourself, look for the pink links.)
First off I cloth diaper. The loving term cloth mama, and fluffy butts apply. I didn't even know anyone cared to venture there until I had my second daughter and was trying to find ways to save money. A chat with a friend led to an internet search and OH MY! There is alot of people who cloth diaper and there is a ton of information out there! I'm happy to say I've been cloth diapering over a year now and I've saved over $1000 doing so.
If your interested here are a few sites to get you started...
Information and Sales
Savings Calculator
Need some green facts?
I also use homemade wipes with a homemade wipe solution. I just simply made them by sewing a piece of flannel (in a cute print of course) to a piece of fleece. The choice of sides is nice depending on what your dealing with, haha. I bought a little spray bottle from the dollar store and fill it with water and add about a tablespoon of baby oil and a squirt of soap. I love it, so so simple, not to mention cheap.
A diaper sprayer is a must!
Add a liner for nightime.
Stay-dry liners
Favorite diaper is the bum genius, hands down, but they are more expensive.
Favorite diaper bag diaper is the fuzzi bunz. (pssst, use these without the insert for a swim diaper!)
Favorite daytime go to is the econobum. Cheapest and basic pre-fold and cover with a
I've washed with the "special detergent" but found All free and clear to be just as good.
Love the softness! Regular diapers feel awful once you've felt cloth.
No chemicals against your babies skin
No bags of diapers to go to the local landfill. (Sources say it takes 500 years for them to decompose)
You'll never run out! Unless you don't wash them, haha. No more late night runs to the store!
Adorable little fluffy butts! A fluffy butt is a happy butt! LOL
More laundry
I think I could go on and on with the pros but I'll spare you. I also don't want to preach cloth diapers. I know they are right for my family but they may not be for you. I don't hate. :-) Plus I'll let you in on a little secret... I use disposable once in a while. Mainly if we have a super busy day or the girls are in the care of someone who is uncomfortable with the idea. I'm not against them, I just know cloth is better.
Your probably tired of reading but I have one more secret to share with you...
I am a Diva! Let me clarify because every time I say that I'm a "diva" my dear hubby pictures Niecy Nash. I am a diva cup wearing woman. There I said it, now your like "you wear what?" Introducing the Diva Cup!
Now let me explain how I got here. I first found out about this from a dear faraway love of mine. I once asked her "do you need me to send you anything?", then tampons popped into my mind. "Do you need any tampons or anything?", oh and she's in Africa so I had know idea what was available and that's why the weird questions. With a little laugh she explained that she uses something call a diva cup. Insert major curiosity here. So I did what anyone would do...googled it, and wow. Hmmmmmm...after alot of thinking I decided to try it. If you've checked out the pictures you now know what it looks like and I'm embarrassed to say that I couldn't wait until I got it in the mail. Now I'm even more ashamed to say I couldn't wait till my next period so I could try it. I know I'm weird.
So finally it came. The cup and the period. It was in super cute packaging and a little pink and purple bag with flowers on it to keep it in. And even a Diva pin, not sure where I'd wear this so I put in on the bag :-) After reading all instructions and washing it, I attempted to insert it. Well I felt like I was 14 and in our bathroom trying out tampons for the first time. After reading instructions again, and alot of repositioning and saying "how the heck is this supposed to go it", I got it in. It seemed to be uncomfortable at first, so I took it out and trimmed it as instructed, much better! Put it back in and voila, perfect! I couldn't even feel it! Crazy sweet. Now on to the messy. Removal. For some reason this didn't bother me. I guess after you have two kids you feel like everyone has been "up there" and it doesn't bother you to "go and get it", no problem. A little tug and it's out. Now just empty it and reinsert. This may sound nasty but you can wear it for 12 hours! So I only really take it out in the morning, wash it, reinsert and then take it out, empty, reinsert again before bed. It's that simple.
Now for the "green" part. No more buying tampons. Who wants to anyway? The good ones are expensive and you just use them and throw them away, such a waste. The average woman uses over 15,000 tampons, applicators and pads in their lifetime. That is 250-300 pounds of tampons that are laying in a landfill somewhere. Not to mention the minor detail that it takes 300-500 years for plastic tampon applicators to breakdown. And even then you can't be sure they do at all because they've only been around for about 70 years. So that is our childrens > childrens > childrens > children having to deal with them. Yuck!
There are also cloth pads available, but I have to say I don't even use them. This baby doesn't leak at all! But if your afraid it will leak or just want some extra protection they are available.
Cost : $20-40, and they do recommend replacing once a year. Which I'm thinking is more often than needed but we will see. There are other ones out there "the keeper" and the "moon cup" that are the same idea but I haven't checked out the price details.
Check it out here!
No risk of TSS
No chemicals
Cheaper (I'm thinking savings of at least $50 per year)
You'll never running out of tampons
Very comfortable, usually I can't even feel that I have it in
No clogging up the sewer line by accidentally flushing a tampon, I've don't it. Embarrassing.
No pads or tampons laying around for kids to get. Pads are not stickers and tampons are not candy.
No feminine trash. None for us or our next generations to deal with.
hmmmmm...trying to think of one.. maybe that it just is a bit more messy and you have to empty it?
I feel like I'm babbling on and on.
That is it, I'm done.
If you have any questions let me know. And check them out for yourselves!