
Time is flying by...

In about 10 days Giana will be 6 months old (Happy 24th and 1/2 birthday Val) . It's hard to explain but I don't remember what life was like without her because she is such a part of our family yet I can't believe it's been that long either! She is such a bundle of joy. Just a few good shots of her happy, pudgy cheeks. Love her!

We just started cereal and she is loving it. We make a huge mess and I keep thinking "is she even getting any of it in" but somehow the cereal bowl gets empty. She loves having her diapers off and grabbing at her little toes. I love her "fluff" and actually have been enjoying cloth diapering...surprise surprise, I didn't think I had it in me! Her and Alyssa are totally in love with each other. I can see the strong sister bond already and it's beautiful.
I love my girls.