
Super Mom, I think not!

Well folks I happen to love REAL blogs. The ones that make you think, wow, they aren't perfect either. I could spend hours exploring other women's blogs with beautiful food, cute children and wonderful parenting tips. But I've found a lot of these are not real. They tend to leave you feeling like a failure. "Why doesn't my dinner look like that?" "How comes my kids don't behave like that?" "Why didn't I think of that?" Why do us as women and mothers even strive for this? It's not possible. I love looking through vintage cookbooks and magazines and giggling. Wow, talk about unreal. Or maybe I'm wrong, maybe life was like that for the Moms back then. But boy if that is the case where did we go wrong!?! Maybe somedays for a split second I may feel like I have it together. But then I blink and all chaos breaks out. Even though us Mom's may look like we have it all together don't let us fool you! So here I am displaying my failures.

Laundry. Enough said you may think. But you haven't seen anything until you've seen the "pile" that has accumulated in my laundry. I could come up with a million reasons that this is a problem for me and my family, and yes they would all be true, but the truth is I don't like doing laundry. If I get it tackled it makes it to the dryer and rarely gets folded. I also dislike folding. And if a particular load makes it to folding the chances of it making it to the dressers is slim to none. The few times I've been caught up I could count on one hand. And the times it's stayed that way for more than a few days is pretty much never. And the iron....well lets just say I don't think you could fine my finger prints on it. Yes, I could be doing some right now and it would be a much better use of my time but I don't really care to work on it. And truthfully I've come to realize that there are more important things in life. My children, our happiness. How can I resist "mommy, can we go outside?" to do wash? No way. My time with my girls is so precious. Yes friends, honesty. So for now my pile will stay and I will plug away at it when we run out of socks. :-)

And the source of the bad smell is...apples and raisins! Fuzzy ones at that! Yes, struggle number two for the week...dishes! Why is it that the minute the kitchen is spotless it's time to make dinner? Why does a homemade dinner make so many dishes? Why doesn't my hubby like touching dirty dishes? They are half his anyway! Ugh, guess it's my "job" (note the annoyance in the tone of my writing?) Yes I came home from NT this morning to stink. Blah. So off I set to find the source. And at the bottom of my sink was an apple slice and a few plump raisins. A black, fuzzy apple slice and five grape looking raisins that now had hair. Who knew how long they were there and who knew they could stink up a kitchen! Yes dishes aren't my favorite either. I have a b..e..a..utiful kitchen and sweet new dishwasher but I still can't seem to catch up. Rarely do I have to hunt for the source of stink but somedays...well somedays it's necessary. Gross. I have to hold my breath while I "dispose" of it.  Failure number two. Well it make a bit of sense to me. You atlas have to have a load of dishes before washing them by hand or using the dishwasher. But somehow they multiply overnight. :-(

So perfect mom, better yet mediocre mom is a far cry from myself or most of us out there. Yet we slap on a smile and make sure the kids look cute, cook up something yummy and head out the door and for a second feel like supermom...until I get home atleast. Here's to failure! Where is my wine?